This formula was originally posted as a comment on a recent blog entry about which dishwasher detergent really works. It's such a great tip, that I had to share it with you all in a regular post!
Thanks to theEcoEngineer for submitting. I can't wait to give this a go and report back to all you Happy Slobbos around the world. And if you have a dishwasher tip to share, send it in or simply post it as a comment.
"I have a recipe for a non-toxic home-made dishwashing detergent. Mix equal parts of borax and baking soda and store in a tightly sealed container. Use 2 tablespoons per load. If you have hard water, double the amount of baking soda in your mixture. For either mixture,use vinegar in the rinse cycle. The last step is the most important, by far! Vinegar works like a rinsing and drying agent, and should be used with any dishwashing detergent. It also helps keep the filter and drain clear because of its slightly acidic pH. "