Saturday, February 17, 2007

Epsom Salt Uses - Use it for Cleaning Curtains - Reader's Tips

Hi Christina,

Here's what I use Epsom Salts for......

I have beautiful lace curtains in my home (some are
full length panels). When I take them off of the
windows to clean them, I put them in my washer on the
delicate cycle. When finished, I take them out of the
washer and place them in a large dishpan in my kitchen
sink that I have filled with water and about 1/2 cup
of epsom salt. I soak the curtains and valances in
the mixture for about 5 minutes. I wring the curtains
out gently and place them in my dryer. I spin them in
the dryer on the Air cycle for only about 10 minutes -
just long enough to get the excess water out of them.
I then rehang them on the windows. I shape the
curtains (arrange the folds, etc) and I'm done! The
curtains dry on their own and they have a beautiful
crisp finish that lasts until the next wash. Note* I
have been using the same lace curtains for 10 years!
They look as fresh as when I first bought them. Can't
do without Epsom Salt.
Thanks for letting me share my favorite Epsom idea.

Thanks so much, Renee. :) This is a fantatic idea, and I'm sure many will want to give it a try.

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