That means it's time to check in and let everyone know what YOUR plans are for cleaning today and on the weekend. Doing a bit of cleaning on Friday is a great way to prepare for a less stressful weekend.
Here is my cleaning to-do list today:
- Cleaning burst AM - done! But, the bed didn't get made yet, as I have one very sleepy kitty sprawled all over the bed and I didn't have the heart to move her. (Nice excuse, huh? lol)
- Today's Focus Room - A solid 15 minutes of cleaning in the main bedroom. I'm noticing a trend that hubby and I have of sprawling our clothes around - and no, NOT in the dresser drawers or closets. That needs to get tidied up before the weekend! (And, I'm still working on cleaning the bookshelves...they were very cluttered.)
- Cleaning Burst PM - Tonight, as regular - mainly focusing on keeping dishes under control and tidying/cleaning the bathroom up a bit. Plus, a quick sweep. I've been a bit slack with my evening cleaning bursts, and I notice the difference...(therefore the piles of clothing in our bedroom.) I am determined to get back on track again, and hope you're all ready for the challenge, too!
That's about it for me, and grocery shopping later this afternoon. Oh, and fridge clean-out before the trip to my favorite supermarket. I looooove grocery shopping, do you guys?
Please post a comment about what you're going to do today and this weekend! Thanks all, and have a fun and safe weekend.