Thursday, May 25, 2006

Lovely, Lovely, Lovely

Hi all,

:) I'm having a great time on vacation in Nova Scotia! Yesterday we went in to Halifax to do a little shopping (not much for me; I'm cheap, remember?) It's been a nice break to get away and NOT have any house cleaning to do for a while!

How are all of you doing? How are you doing with the 3-step solution? Are you keeping up with your daily routines? :) Remember - no biggie if you don't occasionally. While we're staying here with my husband's family, we have his old bedroom to stay in and it's small and we're making quite a mess of it! I guess I'd better do a cleaning burst, huh?

Anyway, just wanted to check in -- next week we'll be back home and I'll send out a lovely newsletter to motivate all of us (and me) again!

Hugs to you slobbos,

Monday, May 15, 2006

While I'm Away - Just Say: 1, 2, 3

Hi fellow slobbos,

:) I'm heading to my favorite place on earth this week - Nova Scotia! My husband and I are going for my cousin's wedding & for a vacation/family visiting, etc. I'll be getting home at the end of the month.

While I'm away, just keep trying to implement your new cleaning plan: The 3 Step Solution, which is so easy! You can always head over to for complete details on every step.

If you're just starting - just concentrate on cleaning bursts. If you've mastered a cleaning burst or two every day, on to focus rooms. Only add the Free-for-All cleaning once you're really comfortable with the other two steps. :)

And remember - we all know that LIFE HAPPENS. So, cut yourself some slack, keep trying your best and you may very well amaze yourself with the results!

Hugs to you,

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Cleaning Hints: Clean out that Nasty Handbag

I took a good, hard look at my handbag yesterday. The one I use ALL the time. And boy, can you TELL that it's well used - the inside is absolutely full of old receipts, and assorted junk I've collected over time. I realized: "This things NEEDS a proper cleaning out!" (Oh, that sounded good and British and authoritative, didn't it?)

All you ladies - join me today in cleaning out your most-used purse/handbag. Get rid of all the junk that you don't need. You'll feel like a new woman when you're done! (Well, I can't guarantee those results...but it will feel nice!)

Guys - I know there are a few of you here, so please clean out YOUR wallets today.

Cleaning can be fun! I can prove it:

Are YOU Frugal Like ME?

:) You've probably noticed if you visit this blog regularly that I'm FRUGAL. (An entirely nicer word, if you ask me, than CHEAP.) With a small writer's income, I've had to learn to make every dollar stretch!

With that in mind, I've started a fun new blog called Frugalites - Fun & Functional Frugality over at I would LOVE if you dropped by - it's an adorable garden/ladybug theme that should keep all of us penny pinchers amused while we share our favorite money saving tips!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Lovely Home Scents: Lemon Cinnamon Simmer (Hints Essential Oils)

Lemon Cinnamon Simmer

Of course, we want our homes to smell great...but many of us are concerned about using those nasty chemical air fresheners. (Who KNOWS how to even say those ingredients listed...let alone what they actually do to us??) So many gorgeous smells exist naturally in this big, beautiful world of ours - one of my favorite combinations is definitely citrus and spice.

It's so easy: Just take a lemon and slice it up - don't remove the peel, as the natural essential oils of the lemon are in that yellow peel part. That's why when you peel a lemon or use a zester, it smells SO fantastic and fresh. Anyway - take that lemon, and dump it into a tiny saucepan on the stove. Add a cup of water and a few cinnamon sticks or whole cloves. (If you have ground spices only, no problem! Just pour about a half of a teaspoon in.)

Let this mixture simmer slowly on the stove over low heat. It will release a delicious citrusy-spicy smell that is all-natural and absolutely YUMMY smelling. And best of all - there are no chemicals whatsoever, so you don't need to worry about making your family sick. :) Enjoy! And if you have a different home air freshening tip to share, please post it in the comments, below.

Look Up, Look Down & Look All Around

Weird title for a post, huh? :) It struck me today that we really stop SEEING things in our homes. That pile of old newspapers that's been there since the Reagan administration just seems part of the decor now...and let's not even BEGIN to talk about those bottles and cans that we PLAN on recycling soon...

Seriously -- a lot of junk and clutter in our homes becomes such an ordinary thing for us to see that we do stop SEEING it. Take a good hard look at your house today - and really SEE what clutter has built up. :) Not to feel bad about it, but just try to see your living room or kitchen or bathroom as a stranger would see it. This will really help you with your decluttering efforts in the future!

P.S. Please -- don't use this as an excuse to feel horribly about yourself and your housecleaning skills. :) WE're ALL happy slobs around here, just helping one another out! That energy you use on feeling awful could be turned around and used to slowly make a difference in your home.

Monday, May 08, 2006

I'm baaaaaaack -- and so are the cleaning tips :)

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaack! :) Hey, look excited slobbos! Last week, after enduring some nasty computer problems (which I already complained about, so I won't continue whining) I ended up with a much nicer, newer computer. Especially good was the fact that we got an amazing bargain on it, and had a sales guy who was incredibly nice and NOT a pressure seller and who even helped me get all my good stuff off of the old computer's hard drive. Phew!

Anyway, it's Monday and I'm back and revved up. :) Hopefully a number of you did the decluttering challenge - I did it until the computer conked, and then I was too flustered to think about anything else! So, did you do some major decluttering last week? I know Doc did - how about the rest of you?

P.S. Haven't been to the site lately? Drop by at for new goodies all the time...

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Computer Woes

Hi all,

Just wanted to sign in to let you know that yesterday my old (and I do mean old!) computer finally conked out on me once and for all! So, my husband and I went on a mad dash to find a new computer. :) We found one for a great deal and it's fun having a new computer, but we're still getting it all set up and I'm trying to figure the whole thing out. lol So, I should be back as normal (me, normal??) tomorrow.

Hugs to you slobbs, and please keep up your decluttering efforts!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Day 2 of Decluttering/Organizing Challenge

Hey you guys,

:) So, how did day 1 go for you? I got a little done in my closets, but there is still a WHOLE LOT of work left to be done. I'll keep trudging away at it...

I noticed in the comments yesterday that a lot of you felt either overwhelmed with this process OR guilty when you didn't get as much done as you hoped (ie. the 1 hour daily goal.) Remember, that 1 hour is a GOAL to shoot for. Life happens!! Try to make up the lost time another day and if you relaly can't - it's okay. Don't feel guilty. I don't want this challenge to make you feel bad, I want it to make you feel empowered!

So, set your timer and off for day two. We are all just trying our best, and surprising ourselves when we find out that our best is pretty good.

Hugs to you Happy Slobbers,

Monday, May 01, 2006

The Big, Bad DECLUTTERING Challenge (#2)

I promised you guys this would be coming today...It's Monday. It's Spring. And it's TIME for the Biggest, Baddest DECLUTTERING CHALLENGE ever! Read through the instructions first and then get to it slobbos!

  1. Declare your war zone (aka: decluttering zone to tackle). Choose the one area that is bothering you and affecting you the most. For me, it's the 2 closets in the master bedroom - both are a REAL war zone if you ask me. Nasty....
  2. Arm yourself - With your cleaning kit, assorted plastic bags or storage boxes, garbage bags, etc. You need to get the junk out first before revealing the room, table or closet underneath.
  3. BE RUTHLESS - If you haven't seen this stuff in over a year, how much does it really mean to you? It'll be far more useful to that local charity you've been meaning to contribute to. Ask yourself: "Why do I need this? Why am I keeping it? Have I really missed it?"
  4. Invest Time - 1 hour a day until it's done. I know that you're all very busy. I also know that health difficulties make it hard for some of you to do an hour of cleaning at a time. :) So, don't worry -- this is HAPPY SLOB cleaning after all, and we're all about balance. If you can't do an hour at a time, still aim for 1 hour a day, but chopped into smaller chunks - maybe 5 minutes here and there through the day; 6 x 10 minute sessions or 4 x 15 minutes. Whatever works for you. But definitely use your timer to set the time every time you enter the WAR ZONE.
  5. Make it Up - If one day you really can't squeeze in an hour of decluttering time, make up the missing time on another day so that the total this week still equals at least 7 hours. Keep track on a big piece of paper on the fridge - in big, bold black marker write down every bit of time you spend in the WAR ZONE decluttering. This week aim for 7 hours. (If you get more, treat yourself to something wonderful!)
  6. STAY Focused - We slobs LOVE lingering and dreaming and generally thinking about anything BUT the task at hand. :) Make it your goal to stay entirely focused on your decluttering efforts while you're in the war zone. As soon as the timer goes off, you're free!
  7. Recruit help - Family NEEDS to get in on this! Hey, they helped create the disaster and so they should be there for the disaster relief efforts. :) Or, do you have a friend who would be helpful? (Those friends who are strict and will really help you purge the clutter are GREAT for tasks like this.) Offer them pizza, dinner - whatever - if they'll come over and pitch in. The more the merrier!
  8. Be accountable - We all complain about clutter, and whine about how long it'll take to ever get rid of it. BUT...WE were the ones who got it all there in the first place! Take accountability of that fact, and then carry on and use that whiny energy to clear it out. :) Also, be accountable by coming here to post a comment as often as you want during the challenge. Let ALL of us know what area you're working on, your progress and at the end - why it was worth all the effort. (Keep coming here to post for as long as the challenge takes might take a couple of weeks if you've chosen a huge decluttering project.) Please bookmark this page right now so it's easy to come back to post comments.
  9. Get encouragement - By coming back to post daily, you'll also read about what other HappySlobbers are doing to make their decluttering efforts work! :) You can't BUY that kind of great encouragement...
  10. Reward Yourself - Every day you do an hour of decluttering REWARD YOURSELF. Maybe it'll be an extra long bubble bath...or making your favorite batch of cookies. Or staying up late to watch a reality TV show you're hooked on. (Wow, does that ever sound like me.) Make it something special, and then at the end of the decluttering challenge - treat yourself if you get all 7 hours (or more) done. And when you FINISH the project treat yourself to a movie, or a great new book, or a haircut - whatever it is that will motivate you to get this decluttering done.

:) Remember, there is a REASON for doing this -- envision that room, closet, attic, whatever as a more spacious and serene space. Keep THAT in mind while you're grunting and working hard. It is worth the effort -- the end results can be pretty spectacular!

Now, grab that timer, that cleaning kit & get revved up...On your market, get set: DECLUTTER!!!